All the world’s a stage

The YouTube video Loose Change, which promulgates well-trodden 9/11 conspiracy theories, has been without a rival since its 2005 inception.

Even George Monbiot was engrossed for a time by the video’s “calm and authoritative voiceover” – a voiceover which, its filmmakers claim, has been heard by more than 100 million people.

One of Loose Change’s funniest parodies, another YouTube video, undermined its seriousness with graphics à la 1990s game console – but even that was only watched by around 100,000 people.

Now, though, Loose Change has real competition.

Zeitgeist, released last year by Joseph Phillips, is the new kid on the counterknowledge block. The two-hour long video doesn’t lack ambition: it aims to reveal the three most effective ‘lies’ forced on us by those in power.

The first two are predictable: Christianity and 9/11. The third, less so – it concerns the international monetary system.

The second part of the film – ‘All the world’s a stage’ – has to be one of the most infuriating pieces of counterknowledge online. It begins with video footage of the hijacked United Airlines Flight 175 flying into the South Tower of the World Trade Centre.

Sickeningly, the film shows the plane’s impact no less than 10 times, all in rapid succession. Footage of the consequent collapse of the Trade Centre is shown from four different news channels – conspiracy theorists, it seems, are inclined towards this sort of disastrous pornography.

The video relies heavily on contemporary news commentary from 9/11 – as well as dodgy interviews with shaken eye-witnesses – to propagate the old myth that the twin towers were destroyed by controlled explosions.

But yes, you guessed it, there is not a solitary piece of real evidence to back this claim up.

Most interestingly, the film focuses on the 9/11 hijackers, using a BBC article (dated 23 September, 2001) to call into question their identities.

But the BBC article, entitled Hijack ’suspects’ alive and well, is out of date. A short note at the bottom declares: “An update on this story was published in October 2006 in the BBC News editors’ blog.”

Five minutes’ research will reveal that the original article has been “superseded” by more recent ones.

In 2006, Steve Herrmann (editor of the BBC news website) wrote:

“We’ve carried the full report, executive summary and main findings and, as part of the recent fifth anniversary coverage, a detailed guide to what’s known about what happened on the day.

But conspiracy theories have persisted. The confusion over names and identities we reported back in 2001 may have arisen because these were common Arabic and Islamic names.” 

Significantly, he continued:

“We recently asked the FBI for a statement, and this is, as things stand, the closest thing we have to a definitive view:

The FBI is confident that it has positively identified the nineteen hijackers responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Also, the 9/11 investigation was thoroughly reviewed by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States and the House and Senate Joint Inquiry. Neither of these reviews ever raised the issue of doubt about the identity of the nineteen hijackers.” 

If you are still convinced the film is worth watching, here is the link.

Zeitgeist relies heavily on Loose Change and other conspiracy theory web sources. All of them have that Michael Mooreish feel to them: a reliance on obscure facts and the making of dubious links between them, obfuscation being the aim of the game.

All the world’s a stage, indeed. For some reason though, the makers of Zeitgeist think their audience is blindfolded.

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But what of the other 2 parts of the film? That Christianity is based largely on the zodiac (12 signs surrounding the sun, 12 followers of Jesus anyone?) and the manipulation of the monatary system (Euro, Amero?). Whilst I totally agree the 911 stuff is more of the same rubbish, don’t dismiss the other 2 parts as counterknowledge just because they don’t fit in with your common, but hugely less plausible ‘beliefs’. You’ll quickly loose your credibility, as debunking other peoples work in favour of your own belief system of self delusion simply makes youy another purveyor of the proverbial ‘crap’ I’m afraid. Brave of you though, I’ll give you that!

Fear not, DannyJ – I’m not finished with Zeitgeist.

The other two parts of the film will be debunked in the next few days.

Watch this space!


I cant help thinking that ‘counterknowledge’ is an unwittingly apt name for this website…which expends a lot of words to counter knowledge, with every means available to the con man.

‘I cant help thinking that ‘counterknowledge’ is an unwittingly apt name for this website…which expends a lot of words to counter knowledge, with every means available to the con man.’

Yes, by (in the case of the 9/11 Lies movement) exposing their scientific illiteracy, their reliance on rumour and distorted evidence, their political naivety and their complete ignorance of the world beyond their bedsits. The only conmen here are people like you, Brian.

“Sickeningly, the film shows the plane’s impact no less than 10 times, all in rapid succession. Footage of the consequent collapse of the Trade Centre is shown from four different news channels – conspiracy theorists, it seems, are inclined towards this sort of disastrous pornography.”

I am an amateur military historian who’s been studying the subject for over 20 years. I’ve yet to hear anyone insult viewers and accuse them of viewing ‘disastrous pornography’ when they’re watching ‘Little Boy’ and ‘Fatman’ explode in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Using your parameters, wouldn’t belief in god be a ‘Conspiracy Theory’? There’s no evidence for any god, people around the world constantly argue over the facts and we’re told to believe the ‘official’ story as promoted by people with a vested interest. What’s next? ‘Intelligent Design’ packaged neatly as an alternative to Darwinism?

I’m all for differing viewpoints but can’t you see you’re using the same loose and pejorative language that every other crank uses? Thanks for your patronisation but I’ll think for myself.

p.s. Didn’t the Bush Administration attack and occupy a sovereign nation on nothing more than the conspiracy theory of WMD? The weapons inspectors found no evidence before the war and, over 5 years later, evidence of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld’s assertions has yet to be found in Iraq.

Only problem with the 19 hijackers identified with the FBI is that several of them now have come forward a little perplexed that they have been named in the plot. Then there is the little prob of the airplane manifests which have no arab names – and the autopsy reports which again don’t seem to have been carried out on the hijackers.

Oh, and there is a little radio snip on Youtube that clearly records someone saying “very nice” to the ether. An american, not a bit arab sounding voice. Now why would you say that in the face of such a terrible incident?

Sorry, but the evidence is mounting so much that even the Japanese govt is questioning what happened. And the very imaginative “thermal expansion” is risible, a new law of physics to explain why WTC 7.

‘Then there is the little prob of the airplane manifests which have no arab names -’

They weren’t manifests. They were lists of the victims on the planes. The hijackers weren’t listed because they were the perpetrators:

And as it happens, the hijackers have been named on the flight manifests. Yet again, the ‘truth’ movement are caught out telling yet another obvious lie:

‘The Boston Globe reported on its web site Thursday that it had obtained a copy of the complete manifest list of the planes hijacked from Boston.

The Globe said according to the manifest, Mohamed Atta, one of the suspected terrorists, was assigned seat 8D in business class on American Airlines Flight 11, directly across the aisle from Hollywood producer David Angell and his wife, Lynn, who were in seats 8A and 8B, respectively. Seated next to Atta in seat 8G was Abdul Alomari. FBI investigators have searched Alomari’s home in Vero Beach.

The Globe reported the passenger list for United Air Lines Flight 175 shows that Marwan Alshehri got on the plane that left Boston and slammed into one of the Manhattan skyscrapers 15 minutes after Flight 11. An FAA pilot directory information spelled his name Marwan Alshehhi.’

The misspelling of Arab names is a common trait, given that there is no standard way of transliterating Arab letters into the English alphabet.

‘and the autopsy reports which again don’t seem to have been carried out on the hijackers.’

Which might, perhaps, have had something to do with the fact that if you’re on board a plane which crashes at top speed into a building or (in the case of UA93) the ground, there’s not likely to be a lot left of your body for anyone to perform an autopsy on.

‘Oh, and there is a little radio snip on Youtube that clearly records someone saying “very nice” to the ether. An american, not a bit arab sounding voice. Now why would you say that in the face of such a terrible incident?’

Because, of course, Youtube is an unimpeachable source, isn’t it?

‘Sorry, but the evidence is mounting so much that even the Japanese govt is questioning what happened.’

Yet again, another ‘truther’ embellishment. The reference to the ‘Japanese government’ is actually a reference to a recently elected member of the Upper House of the Japanese Parliament, Yukihisa Fujita (who other 9/11 ‘truthers’ admittedly describe – again with complete embellishment – as a ‘leading member’ of the opposition Democratic Party):

But hey, maybe Michael Meacher is also the Prime Minister of the UK in truther-world?

‘p.s. Didn’t the Bush Administration attack and occupy a sovereign nation on nothing more than the conspiracy theory of WMD? The weapons inspectors found no evidence before the war and, over 5 years later, evidence of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld’s assertions has yet to be found in Iraq.’

The real story on Iraq’s WMD programme prior to 2003, and the pre-and post-war estimates, can be found here:

Incidentally, the French and German foreign intelligence services, and indeed Hans Blix himself, stated before the war that Iraq had retained WMD despite its disarmament commitments under SCR687, but the position of the French and German governments (not to mention Blix as head of UNMOVIC) was that Iraq’s disarmament could be conducted peacefully through inspections:

Oh, and incidentally Scott Ritter – who spent most of the time after 2003 saying that Iraq never had WMD – said the opposite in his 2002 memoir, ‘Endgame’:

Oh, and by the way, ‘mounting evidence’ does not mean rehashing the same old tired bullshit. And in case you hadn’t noticed, NIST and the BBC have just torn one of the ‘truth’ movement’s myths (about WTC7) to shreds.

Your credibility is disappearing faster than your grip on sanity.

‘Wraith’ has just gone very quiet.

Incidenally, another example of the 9/11 ‘Lies’ movement’s serial distortions is the claim that the former Italian President, Francesco Cossiga, believes in the theory that 9/11 was an inside job, when in fact he was actually mocking the conspiracy theorists, and is convinced that the September 11 2001 attacks were not a ‘false flag’:

Yet again, the ‘truthers’ show themselves to be either fools or knaves.

An old thread I know. but the only one under the Monbiot topic.
Just wondering why George Monbiot is worthy of a counterknowledge tag?

Because even George Moonbat is – when it comes down to it – smart enough to realise that the 9/11 conspiracy theorists are talking complete shit:

The tag implies to the casual observer that he is a perveyor of counterknowledge, which he is not, as far as I am aware, seems a bit unfair on him to be listed along with Diana theories and Mayan apocalypse.

I think they should list him in the Allies links.
wouldnt you agree?

That’s their decision.

What do you say folks? Lets see George Monbiot in the allies links. Such an effective denouncer of 9/11 and global warming counterknowledge that he is. It does the man more justice than being up there right under ‘genocide denial’.

To sackcloth and ashes:
Continue to drink the sand, that’s what governments want you to do

The guy who made this video is named Peter Joseph, not Joseph Phillips.

sackcloth and ashes provided links with verifiable facts

i think peter joseph is a stalin wanna be

The YouTube video Loose Change, which promulgates well-trodden 9/11 conspiracy theories, has been without a rival since its 2005 inception.

Even George Monbiot was engrossed for a time by the video’s “calm and authoritative voiceover” – a voiceover which, its filmmakers claim, has been heard by more than 100 million people.

One of Loose Change’s funniest parodies, another YouTube video, undermined its seriousness with graphics à la 1990s game console – but even that was only watched by around 100,000 people.

Now, though, Loose Change has real competition.

Zeitgeist, released last year by Joseph Phillips, is the new kid on the counterknowledge block. The two-hour long video doesn’t lack ambition: it aims to reveal the three most effective ‘lies’ forced on us by those in power.

The first two are predictable: Christianity and 9/11. The third, less so – it concerns the international monetary system.

The second part of the film – ‘All the world’s a stage’ – has to be one of the most infuriating pieces of counterknowledge online. It begins with video footage of the hijacked United Airlines Flight 175 flying into the South Tower of the World Trade Centre.

Sickeningly, the film shows the plane’s impact no less than 10 times, all in rapid succession. Footage of the consequent collapse of the Trade Centre is shown from four different news channels – conspiracy theorists, it seems, are inclined towards this sort of disastrous pornography.

The video relies heavily on contemporary news commentary from 9/11 – as well as dodgy interviews with shaken eye-witnesses – to propagate the old myth that the twin towers were destroyed by controlled explosions.

But yes, you guessed it, there is not a solitary piece of real evidence to back this claim up.

Most interestingly, the film focuses on the 9/11 hijackers, using a BBC article (dated 23 September, 2001) to call into question their identities.

But the BBC article, entitled Hijack ’suspects’ alive and well, is out of date. A short note at the bottom declares: “An update on this story was published in October 2006 in the BBC News editors’ blog.”

Five minutes’ research will reveal that the original article has been “superseded” by more recent ones.

In 2006, Steve Herrmann (editor of the BBC news website) wrote:

“We’ve carried the full report, executive summary and main findings and, as part of the recent fifth anniversary coverage, a detailed guide to what’s known about what happened on the day.

But conspiracy theories have persisted. The confusion over names and identities we reported back in 2001 may have arisen because these were common Arabic and Islamic names.” 

Significantly, he continued:

“We recently asked the FBI for a statement, and this is, as things stand, the closest thing we have to a definitive view:

The FBI is confident that it has positively identified the nineteen hijackers responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Also, the 9/11 investigation was thoroughly reviewed by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States and the House and Senate Joint Inquiry. Neither of these reviews ever raised the issue of doubt about the identity of the nineteen hijackers.” 

If you are still convinced the film is worth watching, here is the link.

Zeitgeist relies heavily on Loose Change and other conspiracy theory web sources. All of them have that Michael Mooreish feel to them: a reliance on obscure facts and the making of dubious links between them, obfuscation being the aim of the game.

All the world’s a stage, indeed. For some reason though, the makers of Zeitgeist think their audience is blindfolded.

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