The scandal of ‘Frontline Homeopathy’

Homeopathy is building an empire. A registered charity based in the UK, called Frontline Homeopathy, exports this alternative “medicine” to the poorest parts of the world to “promote homeopathy as an effective, low cost primary health care system in communities disadvantaged by social, economic and …

Celebrity airheads called to account

Fresh off the heels of promoting counterknowledge themselves, the Daily Telegraph today lambasted celebrities for “promoting fads” (i.e., counterknowledge). Their condemnation followed a report by the charity Sense About Science, who are concerned that “public figures may confuse people with endorsements for products or theories based on poor understanding of …

‘Dr’ Delgado and the ASA

Public opinion is finally beginning to recognise that homoepathy is no more a branch of medicine than, say, jam-making. But osteopathy has a far more respectable image. Whether it deserves it is another matter. Quackometer reports the case of “Dr” Robert Delgado, of Optimal Health, …