CellAdam: The Catholic cancer cure backed by the Virgin Mary

“Imagine a medicine that has a staggering 75 per cent success rate in treating cancer, and yet is a natural and ethical product, owned by a nonprofit company headed by devout Catholics.” Well, yes, it does take a bit of imagining, not least because the …

Simon Singh discovers the first refuge of the counterknowledge merchant: when cornered, sue

Simon Singh The agents of counterknowledge are busy in the legal courts. The British Chiropractic Association (BCA) is bringing a libel claim against the eminent science writer Simon Singh. The libel case brought by the vitamin salesman Matthias Rath against The Guardian and Ben Goldacre …

Measles outbreaks: not just a British tragedy, but a European one as well

Prestigious medical journal The Lancet has just published research that will be depressingly predictable to Counterknowledge.com readers. A study into outbreaks of measles over the past twelve months has shown the UK to have one of the highest infection rates in Europe, which will heavily …

The Sokal affair redux: ideology trumps editorial control at Quadrant magazine

If you’ve ever spent much time in Australia or followed Australian politics, you’ll have come across Quadrant, Australia’s major conservative publication. The editor since 2007 has been hard rightist Keith Windschuttle. Windschuttle started out socialist and steadily moved rightwards. His crowning glory is the book The Fabrication …

How ‘wellness’ almost killed an 11-year-old girl: Mannatech’s false promises lead to tragedy

Oh, we have Brisbane, Australia. The Brisbane District Court recently passed sentence on the father of an 11-year-old girl who had refused his daughter hospital treatment for a heart infection. Instead, he kept her at home and force-fed her a form of “glyconutrients” – essentially, sugar pills …

Jett Travolta: It is time for the authorities to take Scientology’s quackery seriously

Jett Travolta (Picture: AP) This week, we learned that 16-year-old Jett Travolta died after hitting his head during a seizure. His parents have always denied his autism, claiming instead that he suffered from an obscure condition known as Kawasaki syndrome, contracted from “carpet-cleaning chemicals”. According …

10 bullshit hangover cures for the New Year

The UK leads the way in festive boozing, various surveys have shown. Even more than the French, it is the British who drink most (per capita) during the Christmas season. But what follows, we all know, is not so much fun. On the first day …

Peter Knight, quack therapist, sentenced to eight years for sexual assault

A 75-year-old hypnotherapist was sentenced to eight-and-a-half years imprisonment last Tuesday after being convicted of a series of sex assaults on young women and girls. Peter Knight is the second British hypnotherapist jailed since September, when Stephen Dyer was sentenced to five years for similar …

New report suggests scientific literacy among UK celebrities is improving

E equals Mariah Carey “times two”, according to Ms Carey Sense About Science, a charitable trust set up to promote to promote good science and evidence-based thinking to the public, has just published its Celebrities and Science 2008 report, naming and shaming those in the public eye …